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Dictionary Lists
翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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ASCII character table : FOLDOC
ASCII character table
The following list gives the octal, decimal and hexadecimal ASCII codes for each character along with its printed representation and common name(s).
Oct Dec Hex Name
000 0 0x00 NUL
001 1 0x01 SOH, Control-A
002 2 0x02 STX, Control-B
003 3 0x03 ETX, Control-C
004 4 0x04 EOT, Control-D
005 5 0x05 ENQ, Control-E
006 6 0x06 ACK, Control-F
007 7 0x07 BEL, Control-G
010 8 0x08 BS, backspace, Control-H
011 9 0x09 HT, tab, Control-I
012 10 0x0a LF, line feed, newline, Control-J
013 11 0x0b VT, Control-K
014 12 0x0c FF, form feed, NP, Control-L
015 13 0x0d CR, carriage return, Control-M
016 14 0x0e SO, Control-N
017 15 0x0f SI, Control-O
020 16 0x10 DLE, Control-P
021 17 0x11 DC1, XON, Control-Q
022 18 0x12 DC2, Control-R
023 19 0x13 DC3, XOFF, Control-S
024 20 0x14 DC4, Control-T
025 21 0x15 NAK, Control-U
026 22 0x16 SYN, Control-V
027 23 0x17 ETB, Control-W
030 24 0x18 CAN, Co

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翻訳と辞書 : 翻訳のためのインターネットリソース

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